Courier Cargo to India from UK

Courier Cargo to India from UK


Usually, the client can send Courier Cargo to India from the UK and include Clothes, Shoes, Can food, Chocolate etc. You don’t need to pay customs and taxes in India for this service. As its hassle-free economic courier Cargo to India from UK service includes all tax and custom charges of India as well. 


Courier Cargo to India from UK

Time: Around 10 to 20 days Days (Depends on the city)
The minimum chargeable weight is 10 KG.
Max Weight: 25 KG (if you have more than 25 KG, then you have to make another box)
Box size: Standard
Drop location: Woolwich – London  or Dartford – Kent
Custom: Parcel Value must be less than £100
Sender & Receiver ID with city PIN code is compulsory.


Courier to India from kent – Courier to India Near me 


One box or luggage per tracking number (for example, you will get two tracking numbers if you have two boxes or bags.

Cost on Dimension: we accept as per kg for Gujarat and Mumbai on standard size boxes, but the rest of the city’s final price is based on the box or luggage’s dimension.

Electric items:  Per kg (for example, TV, Micro oven etc.) and Clint has to pay duties as Indian custom and admin on the base of Dimension that starts from £15 per box.

Mobile, I pad, Laptop – It’s not included in this service; however, we send via DHL, which starts from £40, and Clint has to pay duties as Indian custom.


Please Note: Duty-able items’ duties are not included in this service.


For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


Himal Courier is best to send a parcel to India, and for an express courier, please visit express courier.

Ali Express